Source code for philistine.mne._base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Phillip Alday <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
"""MNE-based functionality not further categorized."""

from collections import namedtuple  # noqa: I100

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import mne  # noqa: F401

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

from scipy import stats
from scipy.ndimage import center_of_mass
from scipy.signal import argrelmin, savgol_filter

IafEst = namedtuple('IAFEstimate',
                    ['PeakAlphaFrequency', 'CenterOfGravity', 'AlphaBand'])

[docs]def savgol_iaf(raw, picks=None, # noqa: C901 fmin=None, fmax=None, resolution=0.25, average=True, ax=None, window_length=11, polyorder=5, pink_max_r2=0.9): """Estimate individual alpha frequency (IAF). Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw The raw data to do these estimations on. picks : array-like of int | None List of channels to use. fmin : int | None Lower bound of alpha frequency band. If None, it will be empirically estimated using a polynomial fitting method to determine the edges of the central parabolic peak density, with assumed center of 10 Hz. fmax : int | None Upper bound of alpha frequency band. If None, it will be empirically estimated using a polynomial fitting method to determine the edges of the central parabolic peak density, with assumed center of 10 Hz. resolution : float The resolution in the frequency domain for calculating the PSD. average : bool Whether to average the PSD estimates across channels or provide a separate estimate for each channel. Currently, only True is supported. ax : instance of matplotlib Axes | None | False Axes to plot PSD analysis into. If None, axes will be created (and plot not shown by default). If False, no plotting will be done. window_length : int Window length in samples to use for Savitzky-Golay smoothing of PSD when estimating IAF. polyorder : int Polynomial order to use for Savitzky-Golay smoothing of PSD when estimating IAF. pink_max_r2 : float Maximum R^2 allowed when comparing the PSD distribution to the pink noise 1/f distribution on the range 1 to 30 Hz. If this threshold is exceeded, then IAF is assumed unclear and None is returned for both PAF and CoG. Returns ------- IafEst : instance of ``collections.namedtuple`` called IAFEstimate Named tuple with fields for the peak alpha frequency (PAF), alpha center of gravity (CoG), and the bounds of the alpha band (as a tuple). Notes ----- Based on method developed by `Andrew Corcoran <>`_. In addition to appropriate software citation (Zenodo DOI or git commit), please cite: Corcoran, A. W., Alday, P. M., Schlesewsky, M., & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I. (2018). Toward a reliable, automated method of individual alpha frequency (IAF) quantification. Psychophysiology, e13064. doi:10.1111/psyp.13064 """ n_fft = int(['sfreq'] / resolution) spectrum = raw.compute_psd(method="welch", picks=picks, n_fft=n_fft, fmin=1., fmax=30.) psd = spectrum.get_data() freqs = spectrum.freqs if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() # noqa: F841 ax = plt.gca() if average: psd = np.mean(psd, axis=0) if fmin is None or fmax is None: if fmin is None: fmin_bound = 5 else: fmin_bound = fmin if fmax is None: fmax_bound = 15 else: fmax_bound = fmax alpha_search = np.logical_and(freqs >= fmin_bound, freqs <= fmax_bound) freqs_search = freqs[alpha_search] psd_search = savgol_filter(psd[alpha_search], window_length=psd[alpha_search].shape[0], polyorder=10) # argrel min returns a tuple, so we flatten that with [0] # then we get the last element of the resulting array with [-1] # which is the minimum closest to the 'median' alpha of 10 Hz if fmin is None: try: left_min = argrelmin(psd_search[freqs_search < 10])[0][-1] fmin = freqs_search[freqs_search < 10][left_min] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Unable to automatically determine lower end of alpha band.") # noqa: 501 if fmax is None: # here we want the first element of the array which is closest to # the 'median' alpha of 10 Hz try: right_min = argrelmin(psd_search[freqs_search > 10])[0][0] fmax = freqs_search[freqs_search > 10][right_min] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Unable to automatically determine upper end of alpha band.") # noqa: 501 psd_smooth = savgol_filter(psd, window_length=window_length, polyorder=polyorder) alpha_band = np.logical_and(freqs >= fmin, freqs <= fmax) slope, intercept, r, p, se = stats.linregress(np.log(freqs), np.log(psd_smooth)) if r**2 > pink_max_r2: paf = None cog = None else: paf_idx = np.argmax(psd_smooth[alpha_band]) paf = freqs[alpha_band][paf_idx] cog_idx = center_of_mass(psd_smooth[alpha_band]) try: cog_idx = int(np.round(cog_idx[0])) cog = freqs[alpha_band][cog_idx] except ValueError: cog = None # set PAF to None as well, because this is a pathological case paf = None if ax: plt_psd, = ax.plot(freqs, psd, label="Raw PSD") plt_smooth, = ax.plot(freqs, psd_smooth, label="Smoothed PSD") plt_pink, = ax.plot(freqs, np.exp(slope * np.log(freqs) + intercept), label='$1/f$ fit ($R^2={:0.2}$)'.format(r**2)) try: plt_search, = ax.plot(freqs_search, psd_search, label='Alpha-band Search Parabola') ax.legend(handles=[plt_psd, plt_smooth, plt_search, plt_pink]) except UnboundLocalError: # this happens when the user fully specified an alpha band ax.legend(handles=[plt_psd, plt_smooth, plt_pink]) ax.set_ylabel("PSD") ax.set_xlabel("Hz") return IafEst(paf, cog, (fmin, fmax))
[docs]def attenuation_iaf(raws, picks=None, # noqa: C901 fmin=None, fmax=None, resolution=0.25, average=True, ax=None, savgol=False, window_length=11, polyorder=5, flat_max_r=0.98): """Estimate individual alpha frequency (IAF). Parameters ---------- raws : list-like of Raw Two Raws to calculate IAF from difference (attenuation) in PSD from. picks : array-like of int | None List of channels to use. fmin : int | None Lower bound of alpha frequency band. If None, it will be empirically estimated using a polynomial fitting method to determine the edges of the central parabolic peak density, with assumed center of 10 Hz. fmax : int | None Upper bound of alpha frequency band. If None, it will be empirically estimated using a polynomial fitting method to determine the edges of the central parabolic peak density, with assumed center of 10 Hz. resolution : float The resolution in the frequency domain for calculating the PSD. average : bool Whether to average the PSD estimates across channels or provide a separate estimate for each channel. Currently, only True is supported. ax : instance of matplotlib Axes | None | False Axes to plot PSD analysis into. If None, axes will be created (and plot not shown by default). If False, no plotting will be done. savgol : False | 'each' | 'diff' Use Savitzky-Golay filtering to smooth PSD estimates -- either applied to either each PSD estimate or to the difference (i.e. the attenuation estimate). window_length : int Window length in samples to use for Savitzky-Golay smoothing of PSD when estimating IAF. polyorder : int Polynomial order to use for Savitzky-Golay smoothing of PSD when estimating IAF. flat_max_r: float Maximum (Pearson) correlation allowed when comparing the raw PSD distributions to each other in the range 1 to 30 Hz. If this threshold is exceeded, then IAF is assumed unclear and None is returned for both PAF and CoG. Note that the sign of the coefficient is ignored. Returns ------- IafEst : instance of ``collections.namedtuple`` called IAFEstimate Named tuple with fields for the peak alpha frequency (PAF), alpha center of gravity (CoG), and the bounds of the alpha band (as a tuple). Notes ----- Based on method developed by `Andrew Corcoran <>`_. In addition to appropriate software citation (Zenodo DOI or git commit), please cite: Corcoran, A. W., Alday, P. M., Schlesewsky, M., & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I. (2018). Toward a reliable, automated method of individual alpha frequency (IAF) quantification. Psychophysiology, e13064. doi:10.1111/psyp.13064 """ # TODO: check value of savgol parameter def psd_est(r): n_fft = int(['sfreq'] / resolution) spectrum = r.compute_psd(method="welch", picks=picks, n_fft=n_fft, fmin=1., fmax=30.) psd = spectrum.get_data() freqs = spectrum.freqs return psd, freqs psd, freqs = zip(*[psd_est(r) for r in raws]) assert np.allclose(*freqs) if savgol == 'each': psd = [savgol_filter(p, window_length=window_length, polyorder=polyorder) for p in psd] att_psd = psd[1] - psd[0] if average: att_psd = np.mean(att_psd, axis=0) psd = [np.mean(p, axis=0) for p in psd] att_psd = np.abs(att_psd) att_freqs = freqs[0] if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() # noqa: F841 ax = plt.gca() if fmin is None or fmax is None: if fmin is None: fmin_bound = 5 else: fmin_bound = fmin if fmax is None: fmax_bound = 15 else: fmax_bound = fmax alpha_search = np.logical_and(att_freqs >= fmin_bound, att_freqs <= fmax_bound) freqs_search = att_freqs[alpha_search] # set the window to the entire interval # don't use the name window_length because that's used as a # parameter for the function as a whole wlen = att_psd[alpha_search].shape[0] psd_search = savgol_filter(att_psd[alpha_search], window_length=wlen, polyorder=10) # argrel min returns a tuple, so we flatten that with [0] # then we get the last element of the resulting array with [-1] # which is the minimum closest to the 'median' alpha of 10 Hz if fmin is None: try: left_min = argrelmin(psd_search[freqs_search < 10])[0][-1] fmin = freqs_search[freqs_search < 10][left_min] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Unable to automatically determine lower end of alpha band.") # noqa: 501 if fmax is None: # here we want the first element of the array which is closest to # the 'median' alpha of 10 Hz try: right_min = argrelmin(psd_search[freqs_search > 10])[0][0] fmax = freqs_search[freqs_search > 10][right_min] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Unable to automatically determine upper end of alpha band.") # noqa: 501 if savgol == 'diff': att_psd = savgol_filter(att_psd, window_length=window_length, polyorder=polyorder) alpha_band = np.logical_and(att_freqs >= fmin, att_freqs <= fmax) r, p = stats.pearsonr(psd[0], psd[1]) if np.abs(r) > np.abs(flat_max_r): paf = None cog = None else: paf_idx = np.argmax(att_psd[alpha_band]) # print(att_psd[alpha_band]) # print(paf_idx) # print(att_freqs[alpha_band]) paf = att_freqs[alpha_band][paf_idx] cog_idx = center_of_mass(att_psd[alpha_band]) cog_idx = int(np.round(cog_idx[0])) cog = att_freqs[alpha_band][cog_idx] if ax: sgnote = '(with SG-Smoothing)' if savgol == 'each' else '' plt_psd1, = ax.plot(freqs[0], psd[0], label="Raw PSD #1 {}".format(sgnote)) plt_psd2, = ax.plot(freqs[1], psd[1], label="Raw PSD #2 {}".format(sgnote)) sgnote = '(with SG-Smoothing)' if savgol == 'diff' else '' plt_att_psd, = ax.plot(att_freqs, att_psd, label="Attenuated PSD {}".format(sgnote)) # plt_pink, = ax.plot(att_freqs, # np.exp(slope * np.log(att_freqs) + intercept), # label='$1/f$ fit ($R^2={:0.2}$)'.format(r**2)) ax.text(np.max(att_freqs) * 0.5, np.max(att_psd) * 0.67, 'Raw PSD Pearson $r={:0.2}$'.format(r)) try: plt_search, = ax.plot(freqs_search, psd_search, label='Alpha-band Search Parabola') ax.legend(handles=[plt_psd1, plt_psd2, plt_att_psd, plt_search]) except UnboundLocalError: # this happens when the user fully specified an alpha band ax.legend(handles=[plt_psd1, plt_psd2, plt_att_psd]) ax.set_ylabel("PSD") ax.set_xlabel("Hz") return IafEst(paf, cog, (fmin, fmax))
[docs]def abs_threshold(epochs, threshold, eeg=True, eog=False, misc=False, stim=False): """Compute mask for dropping epochs based on absolute voltage threshold. Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of Epochs The epoched data to do threshold rejection on. threshold : float The absolute threshold (in *volts*) to reject at. eeg : bool If True include EEG channels in thresholding procedure. eog : bool If True include EOG channels in thresholding procedure. misc : bool If True include miscellaneous channels in thresholding procedure. stim : bool If True include stimulus channels in thresholding procedure. Returns ------- rej : instance of ndarray Boolean mask for whether or not the epochs exceeded the rejection threshold at any time point for any channel. Notes ----- More precise selection of channels can be performed by passing a 'reduced' Epochs instance from the various ``picks`` methods. """ data = epochs.pick_types(eeg=eeg, misc=misc, stim=stim).get_data() # channels and times are last two dimension in MNE ndarrays, # and we collapse across them to get a (n_epochs,) shaped array rej = np.any( np.abs(data) > threshold, axis=(-1, -2) ) # noqa: E201, E202 return rej
[docs]def retrieve(epochs, windows, items=None, summary_fnc=dict(mean=np.mean), **kwargs): """Retrieve summarized epoch data for further statistical analysis. Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of Epochs The epoched data to extract windowed summary statistics from. windows : dict of tuples Named tuples defining time windows for extraction (relative to epoch-locking event). Units are dependent on the keyword argument scale_time. Default is milliseconds. summary_fnc : dict of functions Functions to apply to generate summary statistics in each time window. The keys serve as column names. items : ndarray | None Items corresponding to the individual epoch / trials (for e.g. repeated measure designs). Shape should be (n_epochs,). If None (default), then item numbers will not be included in the generated data frame. kwargs : Keyword arguments to pass to Epochs.to_data_frame. Particularly relevant are ``scalings`` and ``scale_time``. Returns ------- dat : instance of pandas.DataFrame Long-format data frame of summarized data """ df = epochs.to_data_frame(index=['epoch', 'time'], **kwargs) chs = [c for c in df.columns if c not in ('condition')] # the order is important here! # otherwise the shortcut with items later won't work factors = ['epoch', 'condition'] sel = factors + chs df = df.reset_index() id_vars = ['epoch', 'condition', 'win', 'wname'] if items is not None: id_vars += ['item'] dat = pd.DataFrame(columns=id_vars) for fnc_name, fnc in summary_fnc.items(): d = [] for w in windows: temp = df[ df.time >= windows[w][0] ] # noqa: E201, E202 dfw = temp[ temp.time <= windows[w][1] ] # noqa: E201, E202 dfw_summary = dfw[sel].groupby(factors).apply(fnc) if items is not None: dfw_summary["item"] = items dfw_summary["win"] = "{}..{}".format(*windows[w]) dfw_summary["wname"] = w d.append(dfw_summary) d = pd.concat(d) # get rid of epoch and condition if they're already columns # before we can move them from the index to columns d.drop('epoch', axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore') d.drop('condition', axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore') d.reset_index(inplace=True) d = pd.melt(d, id_vars=id_vars, value_vars=chs, var_name="channel", value_name=fnc_name) dat = pd.merge(dat, d, how='outer') return dat